Tamilnadu Innovative agricultural Projects and Products

About Us

Agriculture, the primary activity of our nation is the art and science of cultivating the soil, growing crops and raising livestock. Agriculture provides most of the world’s food, fabrics and fodder. Agriculture is the most significant source of income. Intelligent farming technology offers businesses new ways to drive agricultural efficiency that leads to increasing revenue resulting in sustainable agriculture in future. We commit ourselves to re-introducing traditional organic farming practices with innovative technologies to bring organic and natural, farm fresh flowers and vegetables, directly home from our hi-tech agricultural projects and products. Our cultivation practices rely on organic manure, composts, and bio-fertilisers as per requirement.

TNIAPP was founded with the aim of bringing highly innovative agricultural projects and products. We adopt the best practices of organic farming to produce healthy organic and natural farm fresh flowers and vegetables. TNIAPP was founded by Shri. P.K. Unnikrishnan Nair, basically an engineer in the mechanical discipline turned into a tech entrepreneur and an organic farmer by passion. In particular, he has done a lot of diversified research in coconut coir pith as a growing media, like soilless potting mix and highly productive farm machinery towards maximum use of resources while minimizing the environmental impact and its various utility in the cultivation of crops. TNIAPP aims to develop commercial agriculture, especially in areas of cultivating flower plants and vegetables that are in high demand with the intention of selling the products in the market.

TNIAPP founder has recently written a handbook on organic farming. This book covers various aspects of organic farming, its importance and farming practices that can increase the fertility of the soil, thus to reap high crop yields.
The readers can adapt these practices to grow crops ethically to save the soil from the effects of chemical inputs and to enrich their cultivation as well as protect the environment towards sustainable agriculture. The topics dealt with were exclusively contentful, a high perspective, more insightful, eye opener on the important concept of the need of the hour, the organic farming leading to more healthy agricultural productivity.

Products & Projects

In our pursuit to grow better agriculture and horticulture, we are adapting
multiple techniques and methodologies.

Kitchen Gardening

Fruit plants

Flower plants